American football films – Invincible (2006)
From the producers of “the rookie ” and “Remember the titans ” The substitute teacher Vince
Papale was 30 years old. he lost his job and was a bartender twice a week in a shitty pub.
the only thing keeping him sane was the fact he played football with the guys for fun once a week.
the best football films has always been about the underdogs. the comebacks. the victory against all odds.
well this film really takes the cake.
after a hard divorce papale had nothing going for him. barley making ends meet and no hope in sight.
it look like he was about to spend his life in a small bar doing nothing. the only thing he loved truly was football.
but of course his team was in the rough and loosing pride fast, when a new head coach appear called Dick vermeil decided to turn this team around
and start wining some games. he announced an out of the blue open day practices to the team and stated anyone can come and give it a try.
Papale thought about it for a minute and with the encourage of his friends he decided to give it a try.
He made a good impression on the coach that day and like in his biggest dreams this true fan fantasy came true and from this point on everything turn out right for him.
after a first ever NFL game that was not that great papale scored a touchdown at his second game after recovering a fumble to lead his team to victory.
he went on playing 3 years with the Philadelphia eagles and had a pretty good career.
This film is all about making your dreams a reality. he had every reason to give up but he didn’t. he toke shot and it paid off. determination and persistence is the word on this film. and i got to tell you. its a beauty
we see it so many times on American football films as in real life. this is what makes this sport great. hell that’s what makes this country great!
by the way incase you havnt figured it out by now. this movie is based on a true story and it is a beatiful one to tell.
i am proud to put this movie on my American football films list
This was writin by : GaryKmcd
it has the great cast of : Mark wahlberg , greg kinnear , elizabeth banks and many others
here is a short trailer of this movie :
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